lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008

Chapter One: The Mysterious Castle.

"For all the Ghosts that are never gonna catch me"

Chapter One: The Mysterious Castle

Wolfs howling at the full moon while fog covers the Old Castle,
the autumn leaves make the creepiest sound a human being has ever heard.
There's a maiden running through this forest of perdition,
there's this maiden running right to the Cryptical Castle.
Hasn't she ever heard about the Ghosts?
Is she brave enough to face all the Ghosts?
She stills running, but now she stops, right in front the huge and grim Mysterious Castle's door.
Knock, knock -sounds the door while she hits it on an on.
"Hello, is anybody home?"- shouts her as she hits the enormous Mystifying Castle's door
"Please, someone please open this door!"- continues her as the stars disappear upon the night sky.
Fear starts to walk around her while she begins to get desperate,
but suddenly someone opened the Macabre Castle’s door.
The maiden walks in and contemplates everything inside that mysterious castle.
There was this huge candelabrum hanging right on the center of the room’s cealing.
Someone turned it off just after she walked in.
“That must be ‘cause of the windy weather outside”- said she to herself with a british accent.
She crosses the room when a deep dark voice shouts “Stop!”.
The maiden stopped as soon as she heard that creepy voice.
“Who....who’s there?”- said the maiden while she took a deep breathe and played nervously with her hands.
“I’m just a soul, a soul from Hell. I’m just a Soul... a Soul in Grief”- she starts looking around her while horror embraces her.
“I’m just a Soul in Grief”- said the deep ghastly voice once again.
The maiden walked a couple of steps back but suddenly stopped.
Now, she turns around and looks deeply to a corner and was:
A human-shaped grisly shadow, which apparently was looking at her.
She tried to walk but she couldn’t move a single muscle.
In less than a second the human-shaped shadow moved and now it was right in front of her.
She screamed so loud and felt like her soul was trying to get out of her body.
The maiden was petrified. Fear starts to consume her body. It was a relentless fear.
The human-shaped shadow stills looking attentively at her.
She closed her eyes but, then, opened them as soon as she heard that dreadful voice again:
“Does this lovely maiden have a name?”-said the human-shaped shadow.
“Samantha, Sir, my name is Samantha” – answered her after doubted it for a few seconds.
The human-shaped shadow started moving around her. As it was moving, our lady felt how her body was embrace by an uncanny sensation, she couldn’t find any word to describe it.
Her soul was frozen but she felt like it was burning so hard, so cruel. The human-shaped shadow’s glance on her was heartless but she, for some reason, couldn’t take her turquoise eyes from the horrific human-shaped shadow.
“Oh, my adorable lady, why have you come to this yore Castle?”- finally said it.
Samantha stayed in silence for a while looking around her, trying to follow the human-shaped shadow with her eyes.
“Oh, my endearing maiden, I’m afraid you cannot leave this damned Castle now.”- said the human-shaped shadow again.
“Why...why I cannot leave this inscrutable Castle?”- questioned Samantha full of fear.
“No human being has ever left it before.”- answered the human-shaped shadow with its deep voice.
“Is there more people?, Is that what you meant to say, oh Sir?” – said her full of hope.
“People? No, lovely lady, there is no people but you”- the human-shaped shadow said.
“People come but never leave this dreary Castle. They always stay forever here. No person has ever found the way to get out of the Ghost’s Castle.” – said again the mysterious shadow.
“But, Sir, Is there a way to get out of this creepy place? – asked Samantha once again.
“Sure it is, my dear. This old Castle belongs to three Ghosts. The only way to get out of this forgotten place is finding those three Ghosts and giving them what they’ve been looking for.”- answered the human-shaped shadow.
“How, Sir? What do you refer, Sir? What do the Ghosts need?...Sir, please, answer me!...Sir, please! I need to get out of this Castle, Sir!.” – shouted desperately the maiden, but the human-shaped shadow was gone. There was no clue of where it has gone.
Suddenly, all the room starts shaking, then the wind runs through a dusty window and filled the room with its coldness.
Samantha starts looking around, hoping it was just an hallucination, then the creepiest scream ever was heard and the maiden fainted as million of forgotten and forsaken Souls in Grief invaded the room and started dancing around just like corpses do in graveyard under the moonlight....

Cri Rivera.
Lunes, 9 de julio del 2007.

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